My name is Dalton Keith, I am a 24 year old traveling evangelist pursuing any opportunity available to preach the Word of God. I am based in Fort Worth, Texas where I am a part time student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I live with my beautiful wife Katie and our 2 dogs Quincy and Kirby.
I have a burning passion to preach the Word of God, and I believe God has gifted me to do just that. I am driven by the knowledge that millions of souls are lost and in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am motivated by the belief that God can use any person from any place, at any time, to change communities, states, regions, nations and the world. I believe wholeheartedly that regardless of age, race, or background - God uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary.
I will not compromise on preaching the truth of the Word of God as it is infallible, inerrant, and inspired by almighty God Himself. I also will not compromise on preaching the only message sufficient to save souls- the gospel of Jesus Christ. In light of that I am marked by my unwavering faithfulness to the unparalleled power of the gospel and that combined with prayer that God saves souls is what fuels my ministry. I have a unwavering hunger to see God move in ways that has not yet been seen in the history of the human race. I desire this not because I can do it- but because God can.
My favorite quote is from John Wesley. "Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn." I am a man on fire, I am burning alive, consumed with the ferocious fire of the Holy Spirit within me.
I can’t promise anything other than
I will faithfully preach the Word of God
I will preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
I will prepare for the opportunity as if nationwide revival starts with the awakening of your congregation
I will prepare for the opportunity as if it is the difference of heaven or hell
I will prepare for the opportunity as if there are souls on the line- because there are.
I can promise that I will not take the opportunity lightly, I can promise I will be prepared, I can promise that the entire event, message, you, your people, all of the process will be soaked in the power of prayer.